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Convicted Insider Trader Sebastian Pinto-Thomaz Tried to Censor so Now DMCA Abuse

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Jan 14 – A convicted insider trader who was released early from prison during the COVID-19 pandemic in December 2024 threatened Inner City Press demanding to get accurate coverage of his trial and conviction removed from the Internet. 

  Sebastian Pinto-Thomaz was found guilty in a trial that Inner City Press covered daily before U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Jed S. Rakoff. He was designated to the Federal penitentiary at Otisville, then released during the pandemic. Inner City Press reported no more about him.

  But in a series of increasingly legalistic e-mails in late 2024, a G-mail account called PintoThomas 062 began requesting and then demanding removal of the coverage - which it acknowledged was accurate.   Finally on Christmas it asserted rights under a South African variant of the GDPR - also being used by a 60 Minutes producer to seek to avoid discovery production in a harassment lawsuit, and by UN officials who seek to avoid public scrutiny while collecting public money. Pinto wrote: "As a South African citizen, I am protected under the *Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA)."

    After Inner City Press did not accede to censorship, on January 14, 2025 it received a complaint about the same article - under the Digital Millenium Copyright Act, claiming a website in California often used for this purpose had published the article and owes the copyright to it.

 It is a fraud - but DMCA is written so that until it is resolved - Inner City Press has filed a counterclaim - the article is supposed to come down. This is abuse - we will have more on this.


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