SDNY Judge Wood Cited Wolfe
Margolies Lyrics for 14 Years now Free Lawyer
for March
By Matthew
Russell Lee, Exclusive Follow
Jan 27 –
When Wolfe Margolies came up
for sentencing on December 2,
2019 after pleading guilty to
narcotics and child
pornography charges, his
lyrics including being a
rapist who beats cases were
quoted by Judge Kimba M. Wood
of the U.S. District Court for
the Southern District of New
Judge Wood sentenced Margolies
to 168 months or 14 years in
prison, to be followed by five
years of supervised release.
She quoted the lyrics from the
pre-sentencing report which is
not part of the public docket.
While Assistant US Attorney
Mollie Bracewell quoted
another lyric in her
sentencing submission, the
rapist-beating-cases lyric was
not quoted there.
In 2022 Margolies
wrote to Judge Wood saying his
lawyer was no good, and his
sentence was inflated. On July
1, the US Attorney's office
opposed, citing heroin death,
child porno and conclude that
Margolies' motion should be
on August 3 was another motion
by Margolies, to have the
public pay for a toxicologist
to obtain the toxicology
report of the decedent.
Margolies again says his trial
counsel's representation was
deficient. He attached the
AUSA's email, and death
certificate, on Patreon here.
on August 10, another filing
by Margolies, saying among
other things that "the
government misrepresents the
manner in which 'law
enforcement officers
discovered a video file
constituting [CP] on the
Movant's cellphone. The Movant
had long before deleted the
video he received; indeed, the
law enforcement officers
discovered it in a deleted
cache. PSR Para 24-27." On
On September 21,
the US Attorney's Office
replied and said all of
Margolies' requests should be
denied, stating "the
defendant's demand for a
toxicology [sic] or
pathologist should be denied.
There is no basis for the
defendant to make what amounts
to a discovery demand given
that he has already admitted
his factual guilt."
On January 17,
2023, Judge Woods denied
Margolies motions: OPINION
& ORDER as to Wolfe
Margolies: Margolies's motions
are DENIED. Because Margolies
has not made a substantial
showing of the denial of a
constitutional right, the
Court declines to issue a
certificate of appealability.
See 28 U.S.C. § 2253.
Furthermore, the Court
certifies pursuant to 28
U.S.C. § 1915(a)(3) that an
appeal from this Order would
not be taken in good faith and
thus Margolies may not proceed
in forma pauperis for any such
appeal. See Coppedge v. United
States, 369 U.S. 438, 444-45
(1962). The Clerk is
respectfully directed to close
the motions at ECF Nos. 50,
51, and 54. SO ORDERED.
(Signed by Judge Kimba M. Wood
on 1/17/2023)."
On November 26,
2024 Wolfe Margolies wrote in
from Danbury FCI (postmarked
Westchester) asking for a CJA
lawyer, specifically Benjamin
White, to seek to vacate, set
aside or correct his sentence.
He attached a financial
affidavit - his months puts
$300 a month in his commissary
account. But no mention of
publishing a book through
Infinity Land Press in
December 2024. Maybe it will
be updated.
On December 30,
the defendant's (former)
lawyer filed this: "enclosed
please find an Attorney
Declaration along with
accompanying exhibits
addressing Mr. Margolies’
allegations of ineffective
assistance of counsel. The
submission includes numerous
references to the defendant’s
personal history and
circumstances, references to
the Presentence Report and
includes a Psychological
Evaluation Report as an
exhibit. For this reason, it
is respectfully requested that
the entirety of this
submission be filed Under
On January 27, a
free lawyer and a schedule:
"having reviewed Margolies'
November 12, 2024 Financial
Affidavit, the Court grants
defendant's motion and
requests that CJA counsel be
appointed to represent
Margolies in relation to his
motion to vacate, set aside,
or correct his sentence
pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2255.
The Court appoints CJA
attorney to represent
Margolies. Counsel shall file
a reply brief by March 10,
2025. If appointed counsel
requires more time to file a
brief, he shall notify the
Court of a date by which he
can file. The Clerk of Court
is respectfully directed to
mail a copy of this Order to
Mr. Margolies."
Inner City Press
will stay on this - watch this
On the narcotics conspiracy,
Margolies worked with Erik
Erkan, who has managed to get
into the SDNY's Young Adult
Offender Program.
Bracewell's sentencing
submission, perhaps sensing
the disparity argument
Margolies' attorney Maurice
Sercarz could make, argues
that "there are substantial
differences between these
defendants," that is, the
government is not aware that
Erkan had any involvement with
the child pornography offense
to which Margolies pled
Margolies will also, upon his
release, be required to
register as a sex offender. In
his sentencing proceeding, at
which Inner City Press was the
only media present, Margolies
said that when arrested in
Louisiana in February of this
year he was in a coding boot
camp, and that he wants to
continue to pursue that as a
profession when he gets out.
He flashed a sheaf of
certificates at Judge Wood.
Inner City Press said it would
have more on this. And
now it does, deciding to
publish this edited version:
Good day Mr.
Lee... Despite my fear,
I am writing to you today
for three reasons. The
first is my pre-existing and
somewhat personal knowledge of
Wolfe Margolies. The second is
that you are evidently the
only journalist who is
demonstrably interested in
covering Wolfe's story. The
third and final reason has to
do with the details
reported in your December 2,
2019 article, which covers Mr.
sentencing hearing and is
how I found your contact
information--and also raises
questions on how his story
will develop in the
First off, as you
note in the article, no
other media was present at
this hearing. Given that I
watched through my computer
for years leading up
to his 2019 arrest as Wolfe
rose to C-list NYC celebrity
status, then was
suddenly wiped from the
internet practically
overnight, this detail from
your report hit me as just one
in a long line of similar
censorship-themed events
surrounding this case. Worse
yet, per your report, Mr.
Margolies only received a 14
year sentence, after which he
need only register as a sex
offender...and he apparently
intends to further pursue
coding upon his release - a
fact I found especially
disturbing in light of the
charges involving Mr.
Margolies' exchange of child
pornography over what he
believed what an encrypted
"private" app.
In 14 years from
now, I will have children
approaching a prime age for
Mr. Margolies' pedophilic
victimization on apps and the
internet - a terrain where
registered sex offender status
is unfortunately meaningless.
This whole
situation reminds me of all
the employees and contractors
of men like Jeffrey Epstein
and Harvey Weinstein who are
only speaking out
now--individuals who together
over the years are complicit
in creating a culture of
silence that protected these
powerful men, and perhaps even
helped create them by
protecting them through
silence. Any one of these
people could theoretically
have pierced the veil of
silence had any one of them
spoken up
sooner, potentially
crippling the power of these
men and preventing
the harm to many
subsequent victims.
Right now,
the most effective way to
make sure myself, my
sisters, and my daughters
avoid predators like Wolfe is
the equivalent of the
stall graffiti in the women's
bathrooms at my college,
telling you which guys to
avoid being alone with. Unlike
bathroom-stall graffiti,
however, and as has been
heavily covered in the
post-#metoo era, press
coverage is easily influenced
by money.
Accordingly, I
have a terrible feeling that
Mr. Margolies' family - and
particularly his mother, Liz
Margolies, for her own very
specific reasons - have thrown
significant financial
resources behind making sure
Wolfe and his sordid story get
no press, that no graffiti
with Wolfe's name can ever
stick to the wall. And so I
ask myself, in 14 years, how
could women NOT be less safe,
unless someone does something
about this issue, right
I do not want to
be like those in the orbits of
Weinstein and Epstein,
complicit in maintaining a
veil over the misdeeds of a
powerful, wealthy individual
through the simple act of not
saying what I know I should
say, to who I know I should
say it. Remembering the
Farmer sisters' futile
outcries against Jeffrey
Epstein and
Ghislene Maxwell in the
1990s, however, it occurred to
me that one must sometimes
watch for or seek out
the right right time
and the right place
within which to make a move. I
have thought about many ways I
could try and make what I have
to say public, but I feel the
safest way which most shields
me from accusations of doing
this for any kind of pecuniary
or personal gain (rather than
because it is the right thing
to do) is to speak through a
professional journalist, which
I am not.
I have
therefore been watching and
waiting for the right "right
now" journalist for
months now, in hopes of
finding someone who can help
tell this story, someone who
understands the importance of
telling it and yet also is not
vulnerable to the financial
coercion which almost
certainly stands in the way.
So in summation, I have
decided to write to you.. to
do something in the face of
dangerous predator, before
he becomes the next Weinstein
or Epstein.
I met Wolfe
through mutual friends when we
both went to a small, public
high school, Bard High School
Early College or BHSEC,
Manhattan campus. I was
a grade ahead of him, but
a friend of mine from my
grade (10th) was hanging
around with Wolfe and one of
his 9th grader
friends, which was how we
got acquainted. Shortly after
we first met, I had a very
brief personal/intimate
relationship with Wolfe during
what was probably the lowest
point of my life in terms
of confidence, being 15 years
old and slightly overweight. I
realized pretty quickly though
(as in, within weeks),
that Wolfe was too dangerous
and too disgusting, even
for me, even with the
self-esteem issues I had back
The tipping
point, I think, came one day
when we were sitting on the
sidewalk outside the school
with some other people, and
Wolfe kept forcibly making out
with me--something I had never
experienced before and did not
know how to deal with. I never
did like kissing him, as I
quickly realized he was not
brushing his teeth and I have
always been very into oral
hygiene... but he kept
physically tackling me
backwards from my sitting
position to lay back on the
sidewalk, like in the middle
of my conversation with a
friend, and smashing the back
of my head into the concrete
in the process.
I would sit up
and begin talking to my friend
again, clearly not into it but
not quite sure what else to
do, only to have him do it
again, over and over
again--one time so hard I saw
dark blue with little white
stars fill up my view
as I laid there on the
concrete. As someone who
previously experienced
physical and sexual abuse, I
probably would have blocked
out the entire experience, to
be honest - but one of our
friends who was sitting with
us happened to be taking
photos without me noticing,
which I still have in my
Looking at those
photos again after the fact, I
couldn't ignore the disturbing
event. That was not who I was.
I broke off the
personal/intimate relationship
with Wolfe immediately and
completely soon after that. We
had barely made out and gone
to second base.
Once that
was done, my next step was
trying to tell people in high
school that Wolfe was
dangerous. But these were high
school age people, and so was
I. They had no reason to
listen to me.
I had about zero
social capital in high school,
I was overweight and had
transferred into the school in
10th grade instead of starting
in 9th grade like everyone
else. So I was basically at
the bottom of the high school
social ladder. Wolfe, on the
other hand, had a fairly
strong strong pull for a few
reasons. He was thin and
blonde and generally
considered good-looking. He
had good taste in music, he
was "cool," the older hipsters
liked him, so no one really
listened to me. I thus watched
him go through a string (as
in, at least two) of long-term
relationships with girls in
his grade and lower grades
after me, in which the
girlfriends as well as those
close to Wolfe and them would
later say that he was abusive.
One of those
girls, I ended up going to
college with, and a mutual
friend spoke to her recently
as well. I have a feeling that
if I reached out to her
through our mutual friend, she
would be interested
in helping us... In any
case, back in high school, and
during the years subsequent,
as Wolfe stayed centered in
this same area and remained in
the same social spaces as some
of the people I knew, my
tactic was just to back off
and keep an eye out and warn
where and when I could. I
continued to keep watch over
the situation from the safe
vantage point of the internet.
As time passed,
some of my friends from high
school (who eventually came to
understand about Wolfe) also
did the same thing. I know
because we spoke about
it--about Wolfe's escalating
and public predatory behavior,
his continued insistence that
it was all a "persona"
perpetrated in the name of
"creativity" and "artistic
license," along with our
futile attempts to warn and
protect others--at different
points over the years.
again...we (that is, people my
age, around 30) all knew
eventually that Wolfe was
dangerous, and yet he remained
in close proximity to a lot of
younger people we knew and
cared for, our younger
siblings and their friends for
example, who would not listen
to us when we said they needed
to get away and stay away from
Wolfe. Mind you, keeping watch
over Wolfe via the internet
was not a difficult task at
that time, since prior to his
arrest he carried on an
extensive public life on the
internet and even requested to
be my "Facebook friend" on
more than one occasion, which
I denied on more than one
occasion before blocking him
on Facebook entirely.
So this, in
combination with having spoken
to several of his
ex-girlfriends from high
school, is how I knew he also
remained very obviously,
publicly dangerous. Other
people that I knew tried to do
something about Wolfe at
various times over the years,
and yet, until 2019, it seemed
like no one could touch him at
all, despite as I said there
being a lot of very publicly
accessible (via the internet)
behavior that would have
indicated that he was
dangerous to any reasonable
Connect the dots
(potentially) as to why it is
especially important to the
family/mother to keep this
whole thing under the rug."
Since then
we found the mother Liz with
Joe Biden, here.
In fairness, some
dispute this link.
Inner City Press
aims to have more on this -
and on other cases, in this
same blog-cast way.
This case is US
v. Margolies, 19-cr-178
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Other, earlier Inner City Press are
listed here,
and some are available in the ProQuest
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