Rikers Island Guard Who
Brought in Fentanyl Pleads Guilty
Saying She Did It For Husband
Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book
Aug 7 – In April 2024 DOJ
charged former Rikers Island
correction officer STEPHANIE
DAVILA and former Rikers
Island inmate KRISTOPHER
FRANCISCO with federal crimes
arising from their involvement
in corruption at Rikers
On August
7, Davila came to pled guilty
before U.S. District Court for
the Southern District of New
York Magistrate Judge Jennifer
E. Willis. Inner City Press
was there, the only media in
the SDNY Mag court. Thread:
It's conspiracy
to commit honest services wire
fraud. Judge: I have before me
your plea agreement, which
says the sentencing guideline
is 12 to 18 months. Do you
understand? Davila: Yes.
Davila: I
did this for a prisoner I
later married to have conjugal
visits with. Judge:
Sentencing control date Dec 6.
The case is US v.
Davila, et al., 24-cr-467
(Schofield / Willis)
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