Silver Lease
Fraud Duo Pushed Trial to March 2024 Then
Pled Guilty Now Asks for 30 Months
By Matthew
Russell Lee, Patreon
Aug 30 –
Robert Jeffrey Johnson and
Kathleen Hook were charged
with wire fraud conspiracy in
connection with a precious
metals leasing program known
as the "Silver Lease Company."
They are represented by the
same law
On February 24, 2022 U.S.
District Court for the
Southern District of New York
Judge Edgardo Ramos held a
Curcio hearing. Inner City
Press covered it.
but not Hook wa charged with
defrauding insurance companies
. The US
Attorney's Office submitted a
list of proposed questions for
each defendant.
In mid
October, the trial was pushed
back again: "Minute Entry for
proceedings held before Judge
Edgardo Ramos:Pretrial
Conference as to Robert
Jeffrey Johnson, Kathleen Hook
held on 10/12/2023. The jury
trial is adjourned to March 4,
2024 at 9:30 a.m. The final
pretrial conference is
adjourned to February 29, 2024
at 2:30 p.m"
On February 21,
both pled guilty: "Change of
Plea Hearing as to Robert
Jeffrey Johnson, Kathleen Hook
held on 2/21/2024. Defendant
Robert Jeffrey Johnson present
w/ counsel Alyssa Silvaggi,
Esq., on behalf of Howard
Srebnick, Esq. Defendant
Kathleen Hook present with
counsel Alyssa Silvaggi, Esq.
AUSAs Margaret Lynaugh and
Alex Rossmiller present.
Defendant Kathleen Hook waives
indictment and was arraigned
on the S1 Information. Ms.
Hook entered a plea of not
guilty. Ms. Hook withdrew
previously entered not guilty
plea and enters guilty plea to
one count (S1) Information.
Mr. Johnson withdrew his
previously entered not guilty
plea and enters guilty plea to
count 3 of the Indictment. PSI
Ordered. Counsel may be
present at the interview.
Sentencing" was delayed.
On August 30,
counsel to Johnson wrote in
asking for 30 months at the
sentencing scheduled for
September 12 at 2:30 pm.
The case is
US v. Johnson, et al.,
21-cr-428 (Ramos)
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