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Man Charged With Robbing Bodega After 100 Centre Pled Now Thomas Asks for 15 Years

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Jan 27 – A man who was released on $50,000 bond on armed robbery charges in February had a revocation of bail hearing on March 22 before U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Denise L. Cote. Inner City Press was there, the only media in the courtroom.

  The complaint describes the robbery of a convenience store in West Harlem, apparently when the defendant arrived uptown from a court appearance in 100 Centre Street.  

The same Federal Defender who got him bond in February now emphasized that he had been taking care of his child - present in back of the courtroom - since.

Judge Cote pointed out violations of supervised release. She ordered the defendant remanded. Bye Daddy, the child said. 

On June 13, co-defendant Adama Karamoko pled guilty to counts 1 and 9. His sentencing was set for September 19 and he remained remanded.

On September 6 Karamoko's lawyer filed a request for 96 months, noting inter alia "other family members in Paris and Africa," without naming a country.

On September 12, the US Attorney's Office wrote in asking for 181 months, with sentencing set for September 19 at 2:30 pm.

At that time, he got just that: 97 months on count 1 to be followed by 84 months on count nine, for a total of 181 months, with treatment for sickle cell anemia and Rhabdomyolysis recommended.

On July 30, co-defendant Burgess pled guilty with sentencing set for October 31 at 11:30 pm, and remand continued.

On August 12, Thomas was brought before SDNY Magistrate Judge Sarah L. Cave and pled guiltys, with a guideline of 19 to 20 years. Thread

Judge: How old are you? Defendant: 24. Judge: How far did you go in school? Defendant: 6th grade...

Judge: I have your plea agreement to a sentencing guideline of 228 to 240 months in prison. Is this your signature?

Defendant: Yes Ma'am

A sentencing control date of November 12 was set; the defendant was allowed some time with his family.

On October 11 Federal Defenders wrote in asking to be replaced in representation of Thomas, noting that he has been indicted with another person for Murder in a Federal Facility "for an incident in the MDC on June 7, 2024, US v. Simpson et al., 23-cr-360 (EK) EDNY. So they suggest a CJA for Thomas in this SDNY case.

On October 18 co-defendant Burgess' counsel wrote in asking for 84 months on October 31.

On October 19 - six days before its due date - the US Attorney's Office wrote in asking for 205 months on Burgess.

On October 31, Inner City Press went to the sentencing, thread:

he was 18 at time of crimes: US asking for 17 years in prison. 

Defendant: I tried to get a job before crime. In my building, there were people shooting guns. I smoked weed. I could have been better than my environment. I accept punishment.

Judge: Hitting someone on the head with a gun is serious. I sentence you to 205 months

On January 27, counsel to co-defendant Thomas wrote in asking for 15 years, citing and describing an extremely difficult childhood in East New York and elsewhere. Sentencing is set for February 6 at 10 am.

 The case is US v. Thomas, et al., 24-cr-157 (Cote)


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