After 41 Months in
West Virginia Prison Man
Detained on Stabbing VOSR US
Asks 6 Months
Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book
Aug 16 – Andre Watson after
serving 41 months in prison in
West Virginia had his Federal
supervision transferred to the
U.S. District Court for the
Southern District of New York
in 2021.
He was arrested
for an assault, described as a
stabbing in the back, and
served time in NYS prison.
Then on April 11 he was
arrested and bought to the
SDNY Magistrates Court on a
violation of supervised
release. Inner City Press was
there, the only media in the
SDNY Mag court.
His Federal
Defender said he should be
released on bond.
Netburn took a break and, it
emerged, inquired and learned
that the assigned District
Judge John P. Cronan will see
Watson on April 12. She
ordered him detained until
Jump cut to July
24 - sentencing had been
pushed from May 2 to August 5,
and now to August 19.
On August 15, the
defense wrote in and asked for
a non-incarceratory sentence.
On August 16, the
US Attorney's Office wrote in,
saying the VOSR is a "violent
stabbing" and asking for...
six months.
The case is US v.
Watson, 21-cr-589 (Cronan)
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