McGonigal Pled Guilty to Deripaska Aid
Shestakov Trial Delayed to June 17 CIA
By Matthew
Russell Lee, Patreon Worth
St Video
Jan 27 - In the U.S.
District Court for the
Southern District of New York,
an arraignment was held by
Magistrate Judge Sarah L. Cave
former FBI agent Charles
McGonigal, for helping Russian
oligarch Deripaska in
violation of US sanctions, and
money laundering.
who'd hired former US Attorney
for the Eastern District of NY
Seth duCharme, pled not guilty
and was given a $500,000
personal recognisance bond
bail deal. Thread below. He
has also been indicted in the
District for the District of
Colombia and should appear
there on January 25. Inner
City Press will cover both
Inner City Press
covers the SDNY Mag Court(s).
Mag Court live-tweeted
thread (more on Patreon
vlog here
January 23
McGonigal thread here
And the August
15, 2023 guilty plea
proceeding, thread here:
(and video afterward here)
OK - now ex-FBI
McGonigal change of plea
proceeding. Inner City Press
has been covering the cases
including the DC indictment
about bribes and access to US
/ USUN (which
haven't answered questions)
Judge Rearden's
courtroom, where she heard
another case at 11:30 am that
Inner City Press also covered,
but then locked from 11:40 to
noon. Now filling back up. Lot
of interest in ex-FBI - and
Deripaska. Ex-EDNY US Attorney
DuCharme, now for defendant,
is here
All rise!
At the
prosecutors' table, a lawyer
from the National Security
Unit. For McGonigal, DuCharme.
Judge Rearden: It
is my understanding Mr.
McGonigal wishes to plead
guilty to an information and
waive his right to indictment.
Is that correct?
DuCharme: Yes.
Rearden: Before Magistrate
Judge Sarah Cave, you pleaded
not guilty. Do you remember
that? McGonigal: I do, your
Honor. Judge: And now
you seek to plead guilty to
the S-1 information?
McGonigal: Yes. [S-1 info
& plea agreement, are not
yet in the docket] Judge
Rearden: In a few minutes I am
going to ask you
Deputy: Do you
swear this will be the truth,
the whole truth, so help you
God? McGonigal: I do. Judge
Rearden: How old are you?
McGonigal: 55. I have a
masters in international
studies. Judge: Over past 48
hours, alcohol? McGonigal:
Glass of wine at 8 pm.
Judge: The
superseding information
charges you with one count...
conspiring to violate IEEPA
[sanctions] and money
laundering. [The initial
indictment had 5 counts: 2
sanctions counts, 2 money
laundering counts, and a false
statements charge]
note: the unknown in this
proceeding, at least at this
stage, is what the agreed
sentencing guidelines in the
plea agreement are, and maybe
what McGonigal allocutes to,
though that may just track the
Superseding Information, which
is not yet public]
Judge Rearden: In
a few minutes I am going to
ask you questions about what
you did, do you understand
that? McGonigal: Yes, your
Honor. Rearden: Government?
AUSA: Here, there were two
objects of the conspiracy:
violation of IEEPA... and
money laundering.
Rearden: You are being
prosecuted for a separate
offense in the District of
Colombia. Do you understand
that any sentencing could be
consecutive? McGonigal: I
do. [In DDC case
McGonigal is accused of
soliciting $500,000 bribe to
set up US/UN meeting]
Rearden: I have here a copy of
the plea agreement letter
dated July 14, 2023, signed by
you Mr. McGonigal today,
correct? McGonigal: Yes, your
Honor. Judge Rearden:
You and the US have agreed how
the Sentencing Guidelines
apply to your case...
Judge Rearden:
You have agreed not to appeal
any sentence below 57 to 60
months, correct? McGonigal:
Yes, your Honor. Judge
Rearden: The guidelines are
actually 57 to 71 months. But
the statutory maximum is five
years or 60 months...
Rearden: The agreements
provides that the Office will
not further prosecute Mr.
McGonigal for IEEPA acts in
2021, except for tax
charges... Has anyone
threatened you to sign this
plea agreement? McGonigal: No.
Rearden: Tell me what you did.
McGonigal: Thank you for
finally allowing me to be
heard. It has been a painful
process. I appear before you
to reflect on this entire
situation. I am remorseful. I
never intended to hurt the US,
the FBI, my family and friends
McGonigal: I
agreed to collect open source
information about a business
competitor of Oleg Deripaska,
to try to put him on the US
sanctions list. I knew that it
was wrong. I want to thank you
for treating me fairly.
[His voice
Judge: Let's go
step by step McGonigal: The
money was wired from Gazprom
Bank through Cyprus then New
Jersey then to me. Judge
Rearden: Was it structured to
conceal Mr. Deripaska?
McGonigal: Yes, your Honor.
Rearden: What is the
government's evidence? AUSA:
Records demonstrating that
Oleg Deripaska was on the
sanctions list, and the Mr.
McGonigal attempted to get him
removed from that list. He had
no OFAC license to perform
these services.
AUSA: There
would be photos of meetings
including Shestakov and
Deripaska's agent in
Manhattan. Money was
transferred via shell
companies to McGonigal. Judge
Rearden: Do you plead guilty?
McGonigal: I do. Judge: I
accept your guilty plea.
Sentencing Dec 14, 1:30
understand Mr. McGonigal may
intend to use some classified
information in his sentencing
submission -- Judge Rearden:
How would so do that - have
the sentencing in the SCIF?
DuCharme: There may be
material things about the work
he has done for the US
We'll proffer to the US what
we'd include in a supplemental
classified sentencing
submission. Judge: Bail
conditions are continued. We
are adjourned.
Plea agreement
letter on Patreon here.
Back on March 9,
2023, Inner City Press was
there. Thread here:
OK - now again ex
FBI McGonigal and co-defendant
oligarch case in SDNY.
lawyer Seth DuCharme: We look
forward to our trial. In the
short term we can make
Co-D Shestakov's
lawyer: We'll say more in our
conference this afternoon
[Sealed CIPA confetence]
Now talks turns
to taking Rule 15 depositions
abroad. "There are foreign
nationals with exculpatory
information," co-D's lawyer
Judge: Letter
update in 30 days on April
5 conference in 60 days
on May 10 at 2 pm at which
we'll pick a trial date.
But on May 9,
counsel to co-defendant Sergey
Shestakov wrote to Judge
Rearden asking that "the Court
set this matter down for
another status conference in
September or October, rather
than set a trial date at this
At the May 10
conference, she asked for
2025. Inner City Press
was there, thread:
now in US v
McGonigal, his lawyer DuCharme
says he's perplexed by the
amount of discovery in DDC and
why no CIPA
lawyer complains that DuCharme
met with AUSA Scotten today in
the SCIF, but she couldn't be
there (she still can't under
CIPA, no clearance). Does not
want to set a trial date.
DuCharme says -
twice - that he has no other
trials (for now - he's
ex EDNY)
Judge asks about
another Deripaska case
here in SDNY (that
Inner City Press is also
Now AUSA saying
how he prosecuted the Mafia,
some trials are short.
Shestakov's lawyer says she
wants the Deripaska discovery,
as an unindicted
co-conspirator as she gets in
a drug case. She wants trial
in... 2025.
Judge: So,
conference in September. For
trial, hold some dates between
March 1 and June 30.
Sheshtakov's lawyer cites case
against NYPD officer for
spying on Tibetans, that EDNY
dropped. Hoping that happens
In September
2023, the schedule for
Shestakov: "Minute Entry for
proceedings held before Judge
Jennifer H. Rearden: Pretrial
Conference as to Sergey
Shestakov held on 9/19/2023.
Bail continues as previously
On November 12
Shestakov through counsel
asked to depose Evgeny Fokin,
before the trial scheduled for
February 10, 2025.
On January 6,
2025 it was granted, citing
Mashinsky, 2024 WL 4728499, at
On January 9
counsel to Shestakov wrote to
Judge Rearden asking her to
"intervene" and reversed a
decision by the duty
Magistrate Judge the day
before, putting her on grand
jury duty.
On January 27
there was a conference and the
trial date was pushed back
again, to June 17, 2025. A
request was made - and granted
- to place as yet undefined
redactions on the transcript.
But Inner City Press was there
- more on X for Subscribers here
and Substack here
The case is US v.
McGonigal, et al., 23-cr-16
support means a lot. As little as $5 a month
helps keep us going and grants you access to
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listed here,
and some are available in the ProQuest
service, and now on Lexis-Nexis.
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