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After Senegal Mission Protest Went Bad Toure Pled to Misdemeanor Gets 6 Months Probation

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Jan 23 –  Ibrahima Ndiaye was arrested on September 21, 2023 for having destroyed property in Senegal's consulate and UN Mission during a protest. 

  Ndiaye was presented before U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Magistrate Judge Jennifer E. Willis on September 21. Inner City Press was there, the only media in the SDNY Mag Court. [Earlier in the week, it did its best to cover the UN General Assembly week in which Senegal's Macky Sall is.] 

 Judge Willis asked the AUSA if consular notification was required, ironic in this case. The AUSA said it is not mandatory. This follows a similar case against Diop the day before.

She added that the US agreed to release on $10,000 bond - and stay away from the Senegal consulate and mission.  He was to return - but he did not.

On October 4, he was back before SDNY Magistrate Judge Steward D. Aaron, who asked if his failure to return was due to a misunderstanding. Yes was the answer, through an interpreter. A warning was issued.

Jump cut to August 16, 2024 when another defendant charged with destruction at the Senegal consulate plead guilty - to the misdemeanor of "Attempted Obstruction of a Foreign Official." He's set to be sentenced by Magistrate Judge Sarah L. Cave on December 16 at 10 am.

On August 23, another misdemeanor plea - along with the statement that the sentencings might all be consolidated before a single judge. Thread:

AUSA: We have video of them breaking into the Senegal Mission and damaging work spaces Defense: Since there is written Wolof language, the interpreter will allocute.

Interpreter: I went to protest...I knew it was wring and illegal. I am sorry. Judge: I accept pleaAUSA: We have video of them breaking into the Senegal Mission and damaging work spaces

Defense: Since there is written Wolof language, the interpreter will allocute. Interpreter: I went to protest...I knew it was wring and illegal. I am sorry. Judge: I accept plea.

On August 26 Ndiaye himself was in the Magistrates Court to plead guilty to a misdemeanor before Magistrate Judge Aaron. Inner City Press was there, the only media in the SDNY Mag Court. Sentencing was set for January 6, 2025 at 11 am - but will they be consolidated?

On December 2 counsel to defendant Kaire wrote in asking for time served on; sentencing was twice moved, to January 24.

On January 16, 2025 counsel to Toure wrote in asking for six months probation on January 23.

And that's what he got: six months probation, restitution of $3000.

  One case is US v. Toure, 24-cr-500 (Wang)

This case is US v. Bara Kaire, 24-cr-487 (Cave)

 The earliest case now US v. Ndiaye, 24-cr-501 (Aaron) 


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