After Guilty
Verdicts Hwang Got 18 Years As Compared to
SBF Now Halligan Gets 8 Years
By Matthew
Russell Lee, Patreon Substack
Jan 27 – In the wake of
the Archegos meltdown, the
other shoe dropped on April
27, when the US Attorney for
the SDNY unsealed and
indictment charging Bill Hwang
Patrick Halligan, Archegos’s
CFO with racketeering
conspiracy, securities fraud,
and wire fraud
Inner City
Press went to the SDNY press
conference to ask, What about
Credit Suisse and Nomura and
people in those banks? What
about the massive family
office loophope to the
Investment Advisors Act of
1940? This has come up in the
OneCoin fraud case, on which
the Office used perjured
testimony and now agrees to
delay after delay.
William referred obliquely to
Hwang doing it in the dark,
but otherwise the issue -
which is addressed by a
pending bill in Congress - did
not come up. Nor did Lisa
Monaco, present in New York
for the presser, address it.
On June 1, newly
assigned District Judge Alvin
K. Hellerstein held a
conference in the case. Inner
City Press attended and live
tweet it here
(and asked defense counsel a
question later, here).
And after,
stand-up here,
short Q&A here.
On June 20,
2023 Judge
Hellerstein pushed the
trial back: "Trial in the
above-captioned criminal
matter, by request of all
parties, is adjourned from
January 9, 2024 to February
20, 2024 at 10:00 a.m., in
Courtroom 14D. The Final
Pretrial Conference will be
held on February 14, 2024 at
2:30 p.m. Time is excluded in
the interest of justice from
January 9, 2024 to February
20, 2024 pursuant to 18 U.S.C.
§ 3161. SO ORDERED (Signed by
Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein on
On July 27, Hwang
wrote in seeking approval of
subpoenas to Goldman Sachs,
Morgan Stanley, Bank of
Montreal, Credit Suisse, UBS,
Nomura, MUFG, Mizuho,
Macquarie, Jeffries and
Deutsche Bank, to show he did
not "use his lawfully executed
swaps to artificially impact
the prices of the underlying
Jump cut to
November 14, 2023 when Judge
Hellerstein held an oral
argument on the subpoena
requests. Inner City Press
attended, in mask, and
tweeted, threadette:
Hwang is here at
defense table, with COVID mask
and foyr lawyers at table, one
Hellerstein: Manipulation for
manipulation is meaningless.
How was it intended to make
money? When? There are many
different ways to hedge. I'd
like to see them narrowed
Berke: Your
Honor, you've done a lot of
cases, but this is the 1st one
in which DOJ is charging
manipulation of swaps
Judge: It's hard
to defend against
manipulation. Mr Berke
deserves a discussion. US v
Nixon provides the boundary.
Berke: Thank you
And well
he might say that - it seemed
the defense won this round. He
mocked what he called the
prosecution's theory of "pump
and brag," that Hwang did it
to brag he'd built a family
office into a major firm.
On January 3,
2024, still mostly masked,
Judge Hellerstein said the
proposed experts are
qualified, that sufficient
notice is the issue. He said
he will follow Judge Jed
Rakoff's decision in US v.
Mrabet, which Inner City Press
also covered. At the end
Judge Hellerstein said, with a
laugh, Don't settle this case,
I want to try it.
More details on
Substack here
On May 1, 2024,
the US Attorney's Office wrote
in to specify that at trial
they intend to put forward
evidence about Archegos'
predecessor Tiger Asia,
including that the SEC banned
Hwang from acting, among other
things, as an investment
On May 6,
Halligan's counsel wrote in
that the evidence should not
be admitted at trial, as
little of it involves Halligan
but he would be prejudiced by
On May 15 in the
trial, Mr. Marks of Operations
testified about reports only
to Bill and Patrick, then Mr.
Jones about flying from Dallas
amid the meltdown. Thread here
On May 21, the US
insisted that evidence of
Hwang's "decision not to
reimburse employees for lost
deferred compensation" should
remain in evidence before the
Full letter on
Patreon here.
On May 22, Inner
City Press live tweeted cross
examination of cooperator
Becker, here.
In the midst of it, an
announcement by Judge
Hellerstein of the birth of a
baby, and applause in the
courtroom (it's in the
On May 23, Becker
continued - from the thread:
Becker is asked
about his message, "Whatevs,
we'll just roll with it."
Counsel: Turning
to your lost vacation days,
Mr. Becker, you felt you had
never worked harder than at
Archegos, isn't that true?
Becker: Yes.
Counsel: You had
3 weeks of vacation - couldn't
carry it over and you were
angry, right? Becker: Correct.
lawyer: You didn't want Mr.
Halligan involved in your
project, did you? He called
you careless-
Hellerstein: Haven't we gone
over this? It's done.
Finished. Halligan's lawyer:
You felt he didn't show
appreciation Judge
Hellerstein: Move on
re-direct: AUSA: Mr. Becker,
Mr. Berke didn't show you this
sheet, did he? Objection!
Overruled. Becker: He didn't.
were asked some questions
about conversations with Mr.
Halligan. Why was it so
frantic? Let me off this March
23 chat, 3745
Hellerstein: Jurors, have a
good weekend. [Jurors leave]
Defense: Can we discuss
schedule for next week? Judge:
Tues and Wed 10 to 5. Can't
say about Thursday.
Government, how are we doing?
AUSA: We expected
Becker 1 week, on schedule
Hellerstein: Done in 2 weeks?
AUSA: That's aggressive.
On May 28, the US
Attorney's Office filed a
letter seeking permission in
advance to ask "what if you
had known" questions of the
type blessed by the 2d Circuit
in US v. Cuti (2013), starting
with Bank of Montreal's Joseph
Boccuzzi on May 29. Letter on
Patreon here
May 29 ended with
a dispute about a government
chart, long and short
positions, which Hwang's
lawyer Berke called
argumentative, from the thread
On June 5, Inner
City Press live tweeted, thread
On June 6,
government expert testified
about, among other things,
dark pools, thread
On June 10,
cooperation William Tomita
began on the stand, from thread:
Tomita: Yes. They
were traders, executing the
trades on behalf of Bill. Bill
would yell at me, Don't list
to Andy, you answer to me
On June 11,
Tomita continues. From thread:
On June 14 to
start the trial day after a
two day hiatus, counsel for
Halligan complained about Bank
of America witness / issue, thread.
On June 17,
Tomita still on the stand, thread
Scheduling: In US
v. Hwang (Archegos) case,
Judge Hellerstein was just
asked about when closing
arguments will / can be. He
said he'll tell the jury they
will *try* to finish before
July 1 - one juror has to end
then, or be replaced - but
closings on July 8 were also
On June 18,
Tomita was on the cross, thread
On June 20, after
Juneteenth, Tomita was on
cross, thread
On June 21, yet
more Tomita cross, Inner City
Press was there, from the thread
On June 24,
Tomita being crossed by
Halligan's lawyer, from the thread
On June 25
things descended into fight
about summary charts versus
demonstratives, from the thread:
OK - now Tuesday
in US v. Hwang of Archegos,
with prosecution responding to
objection by co-defendant
Halligan's counsel.
AUSA: The chart
now shows March 2021- Judge:
My suggestion is to put it
down by month. Halligan's
lawyer: The blue bars identify
the problem; they don't solve
it. The left territory IDs
five data points. The right
territory represents a shorter
period of time.
Judge: What
don't you call it a cash
projection, not an estimate?
AUSA: Fine, your Honor, we'll
change that. Defense: This is
not really a summary chart.
It's more of a demonstrative,
that they should only be
allowed to use in summation.
On June 26, the
US rested, and defense witness
took the stand. From the thread.
On June 27, Judge
Hellerstein said that the
charge conference will be July
1 - and closings July 8. Thread
On June 28, a
defense expert was cross
On July 1, from
the charging conference, from
the thread.
On July 8, the
closings, from the Inner City
Press thread
On July 9, the
jury charge and then, amid
deliberations, two jury notes,
from the thread
On July 10, after
Inner City Press monitored the
courtroom and lawyers' answers
to jury questions, at 4 pm,
live tweeted the (guilty)
verdicts, thread:
Now in US v.
Hwang courtroom, Hwang has
moved next to his lawyer
Berke. All rise! Judge
Hellerstein: We have a note.
It reads, "The jury has
reached a verdict." Call them
out. Jury coming in! [Hwang
has his hands folded in front
of him]
Hellerstein: Ms. Jones, please
take attendance. [12 names are
read out, all say present]
Judge Hellerstein: Ms. Jones,
please take the verdict from
Ms. Pope for my inspection.
Hellerstein: Ms. Jones, please
return it to Ms. Pope and ask
her to sign it, as foreperson.
Please date it. Today's the
10th and the time, 4:34.
Ms. Jones, take
the verdict please. Ms Jones:
how do you find Defendant
Hwang? Foreperson (softly)
Hellerstein: For both Mr.
Hwang and Mr. Halligan, poll
the jury. Ms. Jones: Count 1,
RICO as to Hwang, guilty. Is
that your verdict? [15 times
yes] Ms. Jones: Count 1, RICO
as to Halligan, guilty. Is
that your verdict? 15 Yes
Count 3, Market
Manipulation, Viacom CBS -
Guilty. Is that your verdict?
All say Yes - 15
Count 4, Market
Manipulation, Discover
Communication, Guilty.
15 Yes.
[US v.
Hwang and Halligan] Count 5:
Guilty. Count 6, GSX, Guilty.
Count 7, IQI... Hwang, NOT
Guilty. 15 confirm. Count 8,
Guilty. 15 yes. Count 9,
Guilty; 15 yes. Count 10,
Securities fraud,
counterparties. Hwang, Guilty.
15 yes.
[Verdict sheet
will go on ECF, we'll
screenshot it] Judge
Hellerstein: Jurors I
discharge you - you even
fought to keep your place on
the jury. [Jurors leave]
Judge Hellerstein: It's been a
difficult trial. Motions due
in 14 days.
lawyer Berke: Due to some of
the issues in the case could
we have November? Judge
Hellerstein: October 22.
Berke: We may seek an
adjournment. How about
December? Judge Hellerstein:
Too long. October 22 at 10 am.
Hellerstein: Bail? AUSA
Thomas: The government has no
application [not asking for
remand or any changes]
Hellerstein: Sentencing
October 28, now, a Monday, at
2:30 pm. Adjourned
It was delayed.
On November 8, Hwang's lawyers
wrote in asking for a
"non-custodial" sentence in a
70 page memo, citing among
other things age and health.
On November 15
the US Attorney's Office wrote
in asking for not "less than
21 years, arguing among other
things that Hwangs's
charitable work does not
justify a sentence of less.
On November 20
Hwang was sentenced to 18
years. Inner City Press was
there. From the thread
Hwang was
sentenced to 18 years in
On January 17,
counsel to Halligan wrote in
asking for 96 months - eight
years - with redactions, and
asking for bail pending
And on January
27, with supporters first
loudly in the hall outside
Judge Hellerstein's courtroom
and then quiet inside,
Halligan got just that: eight
More including on
Halligan on Substack here.
Later - after re-up
of book
and talk to NYU Journalism
School, here
and here
- in the SDNY Magistrate a
defendant was detained until
trial, charged as a felon in
possession. We'll have more,
much more, on this.
The case is US v.
Hwang, 22-cr-240 (Hellerstein)

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