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In Black Market HIV Drugs Case Anti Kickback Statute US Gets 24 Months on Yagudayev

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Nov 19 –  Albert Yagudayev was arrested for anti-kickback violations as part of a health care fraud conspiracy.

He had three co-defendants also on October 20, 2023 brought  before U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Magistrate Judge James L. Cott. Inner City Press was there, the only media in the SDNY Mag Court. 

 The other three was presented and bailed together, each secured by a different property. Yagudayev went later and last, but also received the lowest bond, $50,000.  None are to work in pharmacies pending trial or dispostion.

The original complaint concerns blackmarket HIV medications in The Bronx. 

 They were arraigned before the assigned District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil on October 26.

Jump cut to August 19, 2024. A co-defendant added in a superseding indictment was set to plead guilty to violating the Anti Kickback Statute. But when Judge Vyskocil read him the five year maximim he said, That's only if I go to trial and am found guilty, right?

  That's not how it works, he was told. His retained counsel, who also represents this defendant's son in another HIV drug case - the prosecutors said anti-psychotic medication were substituted for HIV drugs to unwitting patients - said his client was just nervous. They went out in the hall to talk, and Inner City Press went down a flight to another floor. A check of the courtroom a bit later found it empty - the plea had fallen apart... It was rescheduled for September 3 at 11 am.

By contrast, when co-defendant Shamanov came to plead guilty to conspiracy to commit health care fraud on August 26 - Inner City Press was there - the plea was accepted.

On October 22 co-defendant Gavrielof asked for 18 months home confinement when he is sentenced on October 29.

On October 29 he was sentenced to 57 months.

On November 14 the US asked for 72 months on co-defendant Payano on November 19.

On November 19 Payano was sentenced to 68 months with R-DAP recommended.

On January 22, 2025 co-defendant Yagudayev was sentenced to 24 months.

The overall case is US v. Aminov, et al., 23-cr-110 (Vyskocil)


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