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UN Staffer Participated in Rwanda Genocide Now No Answer As on UN Resignation of Petrie

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, October 14 -- The UN moved Charles Petrie from Somalia to Burundi in April of this year, and now on November 1 he is leaving the employ of the UN.

  On October 19, Inner City Press asked the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon acting Deputy Spokesman Farhan Haq why Petrie is leaving. He is not being thrown out of the country, Haq said. “Clearly, he has been talking about this, and so, you could get the answer just as easily from Mr. Petrie. I wouldn’t have any way of adding to his own comments.”

  But a September 30, 2010 resignation letter from Petrie to Ban Ki-moon, obtained elsewhere in New York by Inner City Press, shows that Petrie is choosing to leave the whole UN system, due to the UN's inaction on genocidaire Callixte Mbarushimana

  For a UN official to leave the UN system due to its failure to act on a genocidaire who worked for the UN is news. But not the kind the UN likes. Antonio Guterres and his chief of censorship Melissa Fleming have banned Inner City Press which asks - on October 14, 2024, now by email, Inner City Press asked:

"On Rwanda and genocide against the Tutsis what are the comments and actions if any of SG Guterres and separately USG Fleming and Ian Phillips, cc-ed here, on that Callixte Mbarushimana, a former UN employee in Rwanda who was prosecuted in France for his participation in the genocide of the Tutsis in 1994, is no longer being questioned."

  No answer - totally corrupt.

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