As UN Bans
Inner City Press 2480th Day No Reply by
SG Spox Farhan Haq on Elex Stefanik
UNRWA UN Rape Algeria NYC Combs
Adams ITU Egypt Libya China PGA
Fleming Stonewall
By Matthew
Russell Lee, Patreon
UN GATE, Jan 21 –
Inner City Press on 5 July
2018 was banned from entering
the UN, two day after it was
physically removed from
conducting interviews outside
meeting about the UN Secretary
General Antonio Guterres' $6.7
billion budget.
Guterres' Department of Global
Communication, run by Melissa
Fleming, issued a letter
banning Inner City Press from
the UN - for life. With no due
process, no right of
appeal. Guterres has put
the UN in the US Press Freedom
Tracker, here.
Guterres' Spokesman Stephane
Dujarric falsely promised on
camera that he would be
answering banned Inner City
Press' questions - but see
On January 21 after the man of
undisclosed vacations Guterres
refused to answer but
the IMF did answer, May 6 here,
Feb 25 here,
Feb 4 here,
before not Stephane "French
Whine" Dujarric,
previously the face of UN lies
on cholera in Haiti, not
never-answering Associate
"Spokesperson" Florencia Soto
Nino who blocks Press on
WhatsApp, nor equally
censoring Associate Eri Kaneko
and not UN
Tremblay - but
rather Deputy
Farhan Haq, held a briefing
before which Inner City Press
submitted yet more questions - Inner City Press
has asked the above, and
Guterres and his new chief of
staff Courtenay Rattray and
others including Slovenia's
These written
question are posed and
responses requested pursuant
to the until-now broken
commitment the the UN will
"continue to answer e-mailed
questions from Mr Lee" Inner
City Press, here
SG DSG Again, June
19-1: On press freedom, please confirm
receipt by MALU of, and that positive
consideration will belatedly be granted to,
my application to enter and cover UNGA 2023.
Submitted letter and 2024 letter
For now, it does
not even allow another
application, for example
for 2024 UNGA -
immediately answer
Jan 21-1: On Gaza /
Israel, on which each of
you has refused all of
Inner City Press'
written questions, what
are the comments and
actions if any of SG
Guterres and separately
PGA Philemon Yang
(Spokesperson Birch
cc-ed here, Cameroon
question below) and the
Algeria Mission, cc-ed
here including on
Western Sahara /
president and otherwise,
on this: US President
Donald Trump revoked a
host of what he called
“harmful” executive
orders and actions under
former President Joe
Biden that included the
sanctioning of Jews
living in the West Bank
accused of undermining
peace and security. He
also halted funding to
Unrwa, the agency which
distributes aid in Gaza
but which Israel has
repeatedly accused of
employing staff with
close links to terror
group Hamas. The UN has
admitted that nine of
the agency’s staff may
been involved in the
October 7 attack on
(and still on the
case against UNRWA here
in SDNY, where a January
13, 2025 filing said
"Defendants' apparent
argument is that
Lazzarini and the
[Guterres] were engaged
in fraud when they made
statements in late
January 2024."
On Egypt what are the
comments and actions if
any of SG Guterres on
that Egypt: Mother
of activist Alaa Abdel
Fattah continues hunger
strike It has been 114
days this Tuesday,
January 21, that she has
been living only on
coffee, tea and a few
vitamins. Laila Soueif,
68, a mathematician with
dual British and
Egyptian nationality, is
the mother of human
rights activist Alaa
Abdel Fattah. He rose to
prominence during the
Egyptian revolution of
2011, becoming an icon
in the ranks of
revolutionaries in the
Arab world. While he has
been in and out of
prison for ten years in
difficult conditions,
his mother wants to draw
attention to his
On Cameroon what
are the comments and
actions if any of SG
Guterres on that
premises of a human
rights association
burglarized The premises
of the NGO Nouveaux
droits de l'homme, which
is very involved in the
fight for individual
freedoms and human
rights in Cameroon, were
burglarized during the
night of Saturday 18 to
Sunday 19 January. The
NGO, which immediately
contacted the police, is
talking about a criminal
act of burglary.
On Libya / UNSMIL
corruption what are the
comments and actions if
any of SG Guterres on
this this job listing,
highlighted to us by a
whistleblower: UN Job ID
251086, just
"advertised" - The job
post for FS5
Tripoli, Libya - UNSMIL.
Posted on Jan 15, 2025,
with deadline Jan 21,
2025-- that is, just one
week for applicants to
apply. The candidate to
be selected seems been
decided in advance.
Rumor is there is one
named 'Sashi' to be
recruited. Any answer?
On Gabon, Turkiye and
corruption what are the
comments and actions if
any of SG Guterres on
that In Gabon, two
ministers in office are
in the crosshairs of the
National Commission for
the Fight against
Corruption and Illicit
Enrichment. They are the
former Minister of
Economy, now Minister of
the Environment, Mays
Mouissi and his
colleague for the
Budget, Charles Mba. The
two ministers signed an
electricity supply
contract with a Turkish
company. Bribes or
kickbacks were allegedly
received when the
contract was signed.
This Monday, the said
commission is hearing
Minister Mays
On Uganda what are the
comments and actions if
any of SG Guterres on
that Defense of Ugandan
opponent Kizza Besigye,
tried by court martial,
fears for his life
Kidnapped, according to
his wife, last November
during a trip to Kenya,
Kizza Besigye is
currently being tried
before a court martial,
a trial that his
supporters denounce as a
political maneuver. He
risks the death penalty
for treason and is now
in solitary
On ITU corruption what
are the comments and
actions if any of SG
Guterres on this, sent
to Inner City Press:
Dear Matthew Russell
the SG will be in Davos
this coming week on the
charm offensive.
On the 27th of January,
she will have an
Ambassador's Briefing at
ITU in Geneva, to
further her requests for
money (an increase of
contributory units) as
ITU is broke. At recent
All Staff Townhall on 16
September, the ITU
Secretary-General Doreen
Bogdan-Martin (DBM) was
all-smiles, emphasizing
she was just like staff
as she chose to sit on a
chair “on the same
level” as everyone
else. This, after
her holiday email to
staff revealed her
luxury lifestyle, at her
Alpine ski chalet in the
bougie town of Megeve,
enjoying “amazing powder
skiing” paid for by
tax-payers. Her
forced laughter
belied what is
uncomfortable and was
unspoken: ITU is on the
verge of being broke,
due to mismanagement of
public funds, and DBM
herself has many
harassment and abuse
cases, substantiated and
founded, that are
systematically being
closed down by her
cronies, including the
Chair of Council and
Chair of IMAC,
supposedly independent
bodies, with the use of
their favored
consultants. One
is Canvass and “Dr.
Harjit”, who allegedly
fraudulently obtained a
“PhD” from a degree mill
for 650
There has so far been NO
investigation into the
cover-ups of her cases
by her key cronies: Mr.
Frederic Sauvage: The
ITU Council Chair, a
French career diplomat,
with no legal or
background, who has been
responsible for handling
the many complaints
against DBM. Mr. Honore
Ndoko: As Chair of
the IMAC, purportedly an
independent advisory
committee, he has been
DBM’s “fixer”, as a
result of which serious
concerns brought to IMAC
are not brought to the
attention of Council,
and irregular
procurements for
consultants are
“regularized” by him to
close DBM cases Mr.
Stephen Bereaux:
Formerly a delegate from
the Bahamas who
unsuccessfully ran for
BDT Director elected
official position.
Brought in by DBM for
high-level D2 posts,
including “Chief
Administration and
Finance” despite none or
insufficient finance or
human resources
experience. Mr. Antoine
Dore: The Head of Legal,
and DBM’s “special
advisor” prior to being
appointed as the Head of
Legal despite not being
the most qualified
candidate following a
competitive recruitment
process. Holds no
current practicing legal
certificate. An
investigation into the
cover-ups of her cases
is required urgently…
On Algeria, what are the
comments and actions if
any of SG Guterres and of
the Algerian mission,
cc-ed here, on this:
Algeria to expel more than
30,000 people to Niger in
2024, according to the NGO
Alarme Phone Sahara
Revealed by Alarme Phone
Sahara in its annual
report, this figure
exceeds all those
documented by the NGO in
recent years. In 2023, it
had only counted a little
over 26,000. The
organization also
denounces the conditions
in which the evictions
take place.
On ITU corruption what are
the comments and actions
if any of SG Guterres on
this, sent to Inner City
Press: Dear Inner City
Press: Doreen
Bogdan-Martin’s tenure at
the ITU exemplifies a
troubling misuse of
authority within the UN
system. Leveraging her
influential position,
Bogdan-Martin reportedly
attempted to manipulate
ongoing investigations
into allegations of
misconduct against her.
One glaring example
involves her inviting
WIPO’s Director
General-whose agency was
tasked with conducting an
independent investigation
into her conduct-to ITU’s
Senior Management Retreat
and other high-profile
events. These
actions, perceived by many
as an effort to curry
favor and compromise the
impartiality, underscore a
dangerous pattern of
leveraging personal
connections to shield
herself from
accountability. Such
tactics not only undermine
the integrity of the
investigation but also
reflect a broader culture
of impunity and
manipulation that
jeopardizes the
credibility of the UN
system as a
whole. The
parallels with the WIPO
scandal serve as a stark
warning. Whistleblower
revelations have exposed a
culture of nepotism,
unchecked power, and
financial irregularities.
These issues mirror the
systemic flaws now under
scrutiny at the ITU and
other UN agencies.
Like WIPO, the ITU under
Ms. Bogdan-Martin has been
accused of shielding its
leadership from scrutiny
while ignoring internal
misconduct and governance
failures. These
connections are further
evidence that Ms.
Bogdan-Martin’s leadership
at ITU is not an isolated
case but part of a broader
pattern of mismanagement
within the UN system
Again on
NYC congestion pricing
and UN exemptions,
immediately explain the
scope of exemptions: the
Federal Register of
January 6 notified the
public of "exemption
from charges assessed by
the Metropolitan
Transportation Authority
of New York for entry
into its designated
'Congestion Relief Zone'
for foreign missions and
certain international
organizations. This
benefit extends to
members and personnel of
and representatives to
such foreign missions
and international
organizations." What
range of UN personnel
are taking this
exemption from climate
change related payments
applicable to other New
York region residents?
And separately for the
Algeria mission, how is
this justified?
On Algeria, what are the
comments and actions if
any of SG Guterres and of
the Algerian mission,
cc-ed here, on this:
Algeria deports influencer
expelled by France
Detained Tuesday in an
administrative detention
center (CRA) in Nîmes,
"Doualemn", a 59-year-old
influencer, was placed on
a plane Thursday
afternoon, according to
his lawyer, but Algeria
" banned him from
the territory ", the
Interior Ministry said
Thursday evening. Several
other Algerian influencers
are in the crosshairs of
the French authorities
against a backdrop of
tensions between the two
On Algeria and Mali what
are the comments and
actions if any of SG
Guterres and of the
Algerian mission, cc-ed
here, on this: New
increase in tension in
relations between Algeria
and Mali Already
complicated, relations
between the two countries
have escalated further
following the publication
of a statement accusing
Algiers of interference
and complicity with
terrorists operating in
Mali last week in Bamako.
While the Algerian
executive has not
officially reacted,
several parliamentarians
have spoken out in recent
days to denounce these
On Western
Sahara, again,
what are the
comments and
actions of SG
Guterres, and
of the Algeria
Mission cc-ed
here as UNSC
President and
otherwise, on
the Africa Eco
Race and
And on this
quote: Ahmed
Attaf said
Monday that
Algeria is
devoting its
mandate at the
UN Security
Council (UNSC)
to champion
just causes,
cause and the
issue of
Sahara... The
presidency of
the UN
Council is
held by all
its permanent
members for a
period of one
month in
On Cameroon,
what are the
comments and
actions if any
of SG Guterres
on that
announced on
December 30,
2024 the
of updated
lists of the
". In total,
and according
to these
voters are
publication of
these figures
sparked a
while a
election is
scheduled for
this year 2025
which has just
begun. Some
parties accuse
Elecam of
truncating the
reality of the
On Guinea,
what are the
comments and
actions if any
of SG Guterres
on the wo-year
opponent Aliou
Bah At the
trial of the
president for
"insult and
against the
head of the
ruling junta,
General Mamadi
Doumbouya, the
requested a
sentence for
the accused on
January 2.
Aliou Bah's
five lawyers
took turns for
more than four
hours in front
of the Kaloum
Court of First
Instance in
Conakry to
defend their
pleading not
guilty and
requesting his
to Inner City
Press what are
the comments and
actions of any
of SG Guterres
on Colombia:
"Dear Matthew
Russell Lee,
There is another
scandal to
report, which is
the newly
Colombia, Mr
Yang Wang.
In the same
email, as well
as in articles
by Inner
Press, it
has been
reported that
Chief HR Mar
process by
all qualified
candidates in
order to make
the selection of
Mr Wang
easy. Due
to his limited
experience and
understanding ,
Mr Wang has
passed any
UN exam .
After serving as
Observer in
Liberia in 1994
and Iraq in
1999, he was
imposed by his
government to
UNMIL in 2004 as
Officer. He was
downsized in
2016 but thanks
to his Chinese
connections and
support, he was
saved and moved
he worked
for the SRSG,
who was not
impressed by his
work, as he was
only good at
taking ID
pictures for all
staff and he
does. The
SRSG in order to
get rid of him,
abolished his
post, never a
post was ever
abolished in
Somalia as they
always needed
more posts.
Nevertheless, he
was saved
any roster
membership or
passing any
and moved to the
mission in
Colombia to be
the P5 Chief
Management, a
position for
which he did not
have any
While working in
that position
for 6 years and
not producing
anything for
tried to get
into the
roster for his
own position but
every time .
skills or
fraud in his
declaring his
fluency in
Spanish and
passing an exam
in a language he
know, he was
selected as CMS
D1 for which he
has clearly
proven he is
OIOS and OHRM do
not want to
undergo any
despite requests
from Colleagues.
The fact that he
is not fluent in
Spanish and
could never
answer the
written answer
in the exam
could be easily
verified. But
this is how the
corrupt UN
faith in
the UN?
and SRSGs
continue to
choose for their
own personal
benefits and
CMSs and DMSs
who do not
uphold the
UN's core
values . And
meanwhile the
staff under such
unfit and
and on Sudan:
Based on the
civil war in
Sudan that
started on April
2023 in the
Capital city
Khartoum, All
the UN staff has
been requested
to evacuate
immediately from
Khartoum. Of
course we lost
everything, our
house, cars and
belongings, the
loss from this
civil war is
huge, especially
on the National
staff… On 18
April 2023 UNDSS
shared the SOPs
of the
Compensation for
Loss &
Damage. On 21
September 2023
OHR and the
Policy Unit in
New York,
approved the SOP
related to
Compensation for
the lost/damage
of personal
effected by the
War in Sudan. On
21 September
2023 and based
on the above
approval UNDP
Sudan country
office formed a
Committee On 22
January 2024 an
instruction for
the compensation
for loss &
damage of
$19,000 for
staff member
residing with
them at the duty
station, and
$32,000 for a
staff member
with recognized
residing with
them at the duty
regardless of
their contract
Later in 2024 a
decision was
made on the
amount of the
compensation as
$16,000 for
staff members
with recognized
$9,500 for staff
members without
dependents. On
December 2024
UNDP Sudan
compensated the
National staff
members a flat
amount of
regardless of
their dependency
status, while
staff members
has been
based on their
status either
$9,500 or
On Mali what are
the comments and
actions if any
of SG Guterres
on that the
Office of the
Auditor General
(BVG), an
responsible for
public spending,
published a
report on
December 30,
2024, on the
management of
the Universal
Access Fund
Agency (Agefau),
between 2020 and
2023. Agefau
promotes access
to information
services. It is
placed under the
supervision of
the Prime
Minister, who
chairs its Board
of Directors.
The Auditor's
report notes
for large
amounts, that
the former head
of government,
Choguel Maïga,
covered up, or
from which he
even, for some,
Revelations that
are not coming
out today by
On Burundi what
are the comments
and actions if
any of SG
Guterres on that
.On December 31,
2024, Burundi's
(CENI) rejected
all lists of
candidates –
including that
of historic
opponent Agathon
Rwasa – from a
coalition of
parties for the
elections of
June 2025.
On South Sudan
and UNMISS what
are the comments
and actions if
any of SG
Guterres (or,
since he's
Amina J.
Mohamed) on
this, from
"Dear Mr.
Matthew Russell
Lee: Paul
Egunsola, the
former Chief of
Staff for
leveraging his
network to lobby
for the position
of Special
of the
(SRSG) for
UNMISS. A former
Egunsola began
his UN career in
2002 as a
spokesperson in
Liberia. He
later served as
Chief of Staff
starting in
2005. In
recent weeks,
Egunsola has
been frequently
seen in New
York, where he
is reportedly
campaigning for
the SRSG
expected to
become vacant in
April. However,
his candidacy
has sparked
debate among
UNMISS staff
members. An
staff member
suggested that
instead of
perceived as
inexperienced or
from the
realities, the
UN should
promoting those
with a proven
track record in
the field or
bring in fresh
and dynamic
There is also
among some staff
tenure as Chief
of Staff.
Concerns have
been raised
about his
leadership style
during his time
in the role.
Many staff
members advocate
for the
to select a
candidate with
skills, a deep
understanding of
the mission's
and the health
and fitness
required for the
demands of the
position. Such
they argue,
would better
align with the
objectives and
realities in
On Lusophone
corruption (in
Angola) what are
the comments and
actions if any
of SG Guterres
on that
Lourenço pardons
son convicted of
corruption In
Angola, around
fifty convicts
were pardoned on
the occasion of
the fiftieth
anniversary of
the country's
independence and
the end-of-year
The son of
former President
José Eduardo dos
Santos, who had
been sentenced
to five years in
prison for
will benefit
from this
decree. José
Filomeno dos
Santos had been
sentenced last
July by the
Supreme Court of
Luanda, a few
months after a
cancellation on
On Guinea what
are the comments
and actions if
any of SG
Guterres on that
the platform of
the Forces
vives, which
brings together
parties and
civil society
critical of the
announced that
it would no
longer recognize
the transitional
authorities from
December 31.
Because this
date was the
deadline that
had been put
forward for the
return to
On DRC and
censorship, what
are the comments
of SG Guterres
and separately
USG Fleming and
Ian Phillips,
cc-ed here, on
that authorities
suspend eight
channels from
the Canal+
bouquet deemed
“immoral” In the
Republic of
Congo (DRC), the
authorities are
cracking down on
eight channels
in the Canal+
bouquet. The
broadcasting of
Canal+ POP,
Canal+ Elles, E,
Canal+ ACTION,
AB1 and Canal+
Cinéma has been
suspended across
the country for
45 renewable
sexual abuse,
provide all
if-asked info
and what if
anything has
been done for
the victim(s) of
the UN child
rapes in DRC,
and the data
dumped on the UN
web site on Dec
20 of new UN
"civlians" -
why? - child
rape in CAR, and
still those of
Dec 10 of abuses
by peacekeepers
from Burundi,
Uruguay and
"unknown" - why?
and still on
September 20 in
CAR, and still
Sepember 12 of
UN sexual abuse
and still on
August 16,
barebones notice
of sexual
assault in/by
UNIFIL in July
and still on
September 20 in
CAR, and still
Sepember 12 of UN
sexual abuse in
still on August
16, barebones
notice of sexual
assault in/by
UNIFIL in July
2024 which
on August 19
and still on
August 20 was
not visible on
the UN
covered up,
and still on
August 1 at 2
pm including
child rape by
Cameroon UN
in CAR, and
still on July
22 including
UN child rapes
in South Sudan
and CAR and
and still on
July 19, child
rape in CAR by
a civilian UN
withheld -
why) and still
on July 8 of
two 2024 cases
of UN sexual
abuse in
DRC and
before that on
June 27
- 2023
rape in CAR by
etc, and from
May child
rapes by
civilian UN
undisclosed -
why? - and by
from Cameroon,
and previously
in CAR by a UN
undisclosed -
why? - and
more by
Cameroon, and
still those of
April 26
regarding a UN
child rape in
CAR, and other
abuses in
South Sudan?
What is the
status of the
pending, and
why are others
"N/A"? And
still on those
data dumped
April 22
including a
child rape in
CAR by a
undisclosed -
why?) and
still on on
April 15
including by a
in UNVMC, Sri
Lanka and
Cameroon in
from Pakistan,
Sierra Leone
and several
"N/A's" - why?
- and still
April 8 -
second data
dump of that
day - of a UN
from Sierra
Leone sexually
abusing in
UNSOS, and
again by
Cameroon in
CAR - and
ealier on
April 8 of
sexual abuse
in CAR by a
from Cameroon
- and a top
Civilian, with
no information
whatsoever -
and still
April 2 of UN
from Cameroon
abusing in CAR
(and what the
year "9202"
and still on
April 1 of UN
from Morocco,
Uruguay and
South Africa
(and one with
country not
disclosed -
why?) and
still those
data dumped on
March 18 on
child rape in
from South
Africa and
Senegal, and
still on child
rape by a
UNPOL police
from Burkina
Faso in DRC,
and still on
Feb 22
of Cameroon UN
raping in CAR,
and still
those data
dumped on
January 30 -
more sex abuse
from Cameroon
in CAR, and
from January
26 the rape by
from Pakistan
in CAR, and
abuse by
Cameroon - and
on Jan 17 of
sexual abuse
in the DRC by
a UN
undiscosed -
why not? and
still on those
data dumped
Jan 15 of 2023
sexual abuse
by Senegal UN
and from
Cameroon and
South Africa?
And, still
unaswerned, by
Morocco UN
and child rape
in DRC, and
stil Dec 20 of
UN child rape
in South Sudan
by a UN
(why?) and
still that
data dumped on
Dec 14 of DRC
and "civilian"
UN rape
in DRC and the
others data
dumped on Dec
14, and on Nov
30 of
child rape in
2023 in CAR,
South Africa
child rapes in
DRC, and data
dumped Nov 7
(child rape in
CAR, also SEA
by Nigeria and
and still on
Nov 1 (Nigeria
in South
civilian in
DRC), and
still on
Oct 23
civilian in
DRC, South
African in
DRC) and still
Tananzia in
DRC, Cameroon
abuse in CAR,
Egypt in DRC),
and still
September 21
about sexual
by a Cameroon
of a child -
why is that
not called
rape? and of
Sept 20 - amid
UNGA - about
sexual abuse
by a Cameroon
peacekeeper in
CAR, and on
Sept 12-13
about sexual
abuse by
Uganda and S
Africa troups
and a child
rape by a UN
"civilian" in
What is are
the comments
and any
actions of SG
Guterres on
this, sent to
Inner City
Press by
UN staff: "Mr.
would like to
give you an
the disasters
that have been
during the
long tenure of
USG Khare and
Ms. Van Den
Berg in
believe the
below summary
is significant
to understand
the current
situations we
are going
through in
most of the
Starting from
the DMS and
CMS, past and
Rick Martin,
Project was
without UN
benefit for
Kirkwood, D1,
together with
the SRSG for
fraud with the
and then opted
for early
retirement. He
is due to to
be replaced by
Ms. Uchenna
former CMS in
herself is
for financial
fraud in
Sudan. Ms
Odenigbo is
currently CMS
where she is
Staff and
others to
using her
Chief SCM Mr.
Louay Mostafa
is not in the
Country being
PNG for
of documents
and under
Huda Hannina,
CMS D1 in
suspended for
almost three
years, on full
pay, despite
fact findings
having proven
for fraud,
of resources,
abuse of power
and authority.
There have
been no
actions taken
against her
and remains on
full salary.
Current SRSG
Khoury, her
friend, is
trying to get
her back
despite all
Mission being
against it,
and will not
accept this
Timbilla, D1
Supply Chain
Management in
for sex for
jobs and
misuse of UN
[Part 2 of x]
what are the
comments and
actions if any
of SG Guterres
and separately
of the
Mission, as
UNSC president
and otherwise,
to the rule of
now convicted
ex-PM Janez
Jansa in
occupying a UN
Council seat,
this month?
reason could
there be to
deny this?
given that
only today
Sept 16, Inner
City Press put
questions to
the IMF on
Ukraine and
Venezuela (see
then to IFRC's
Cameroon. If
they take
questions, how
can the UN not
now allow
Inner City
Press, at
least for now
by WebEx? And
IMF on October
21, 2021 here.
And US
Buffalo NBC TV on Oct 26
How does SG
Guterres and his
UN justify banning
Inner City Press
which reports
critically on the
UN, and not even
answer letters
from two pro bono
law firms, Quinn
Emanuel and
Duane Morris?
Still on
Mozambique itself,
for answer before or
at 12:30 - request
is in, for WebEx
access - what are
the comments and
actions if any of SG
Guterres - and
Mozambique - on that
Islamic State
Mozambique Province
(ISMP) Claims
Burning Over 230
Christian Houses In
Series Of Attacks In
Country's Nampula
Province, Conducts
'Preaching Tour' In
Muslim Villages In
Country's North
On Honduras, with
the March 8 guilty
verdicts against
former president JOH
taking place here in
SDNY finally (and
disclose what SG
Guterres' three
person panel did in
Honduras in 2017
after JOH's stolen
election, including
if any report was
produced and a copy
of it.
of reporting, immediately explain from UN
Spokesman Duarric's quote in Fortune here
that Stéphane Dujarric, the spokesman
for the U.N. secretary-general, tells me
that Lee’s prohibition has nothing to do
with his coverage. “It’s basic human
behavior, and he violated those rules,”
Dujarric says. “He was creating an unsafe
1) if this has been only about safety, why
have none of you answered written Press
questions, on Gaza, etc? Why no access via
WebEx, as I have at IMF and as you grant
others who publish far less UN coverage? How
is this anything but censorship and how can
it be that USG Melissa Fleming has not even
answered the Duane Morris pro bono law firms
letters, by October 30?
Immediately confirm Melissa Fleming's
receipt of, and response to, the October 16
letter from the Duane Morris law firm
(attached to each of you on October 16
before noon) about restoring me to resident
correspondent status immediately,
starting "Re: Immediate Restoration of
Matthew Russell Lee’s MALU Credentials
Dear Ms. Fleming: We write, for the second
time, on behalf of Matthew Russell Lee
Confirm Melissa Fleming's receipt of, and
response to, the attached letter about
restoring me to resident correspondent
status immediately [more to come]
On Gaza, some reported that UN Spokesman
(Dujarric) around 10 pm on Oct 12
"announced" Israel's request - immediately
state where and to whom that was announced,
and the basis
On Chinese government corruption what
are the comments and actions if any of SG
Guterres on the evidence in yesterday's US v
SBF trial in SDNY about Chinese officials
demanding $150 million to unfreeze $1
billion on two crypto currency
AGAIN: On UNRWA what are the comments and
actions if any of SG Guterres on the
recently passed budget in the US Department
of State, Foreign Operations, and Related
Programs Appropriations Act, which includes
"heightened scrutiny of the UN agency
assisting Palestinian refugees and would
deny funding to move the US embassy in
Israel out of Jerusalem. A report from the
House Appropriations Committee accompanying
the bill notes the US Congress’s
“longstanding concerns” that the UN Relief
and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in
the Near East (UNRWA) supports educational
programs that promote incitement to violence
against Israelis and Jews. “The committee
notes the longstanding concerns that
educational materials used in UNRWA schools
induce incitement or are otherwise
inconsistent with the values of human
rights, dignity, and tolerance,” the report
says. “The committee is further concerned by
the United States Government’s lack of
visibility on the curricula utilized in
UNRWA schools given these allegations and
the United States’ status as a significant
donor to UNRWA.” The US secretary of
state would have 30 days to designate
someone to review “a significant and
representative selection of textbooks and
other educational materials utilized by
UNRWA schools in the West Bank and Gaza.”
On UN corruption and lack of answers, after
each of your have refused Inner City Press'
questions about those UN linked individuals
indicted in SDNY, explain this: "Francis
Lorenzo was still able to freely walk the
halls of the institution at that time, and
only lost his U.N. ID several years later,
when it expired in August 2018, U.N.
spokesman Dujarric said" - confirm or deny
that the UN continued to let Lorenzo in fact
not only his indictment for bribery, but
also his guilty plea, while banning Inner
City Press which exposed and reported on it
AGAIN on UN sexual abuse, immediately
provide all if-asked info and what if
anything has been done for the victim(s) of
the UN child rape in DRC data dumped on the
UN web site on September 21 about sexual
exploitation by a Cameroon "peacekeeper" of
a child - why is that not called rape? and
of Sept 20 - amid UNGA - about sexual abuse
by a Cameroon peacekeeper in CAR, and on
Sept 12-13 about sexual abuse by Uganda and
S Africa troups and a child rape by a UN
"civilian" in DRC
Immediately explain the basis for a
$800 or $2000 charge to hear "H.E." Melissa
Fleming speak during UNGA week. Is she still
going to appear?
censorship of Press, immediately explain
why MALU and each of you has not even
responded to Inner City Press' June 19,
2023 application to enter and cover UNGA
week in September, but have allowed in -
as resident correspondents - many who have
published nothing, while Inner City Press
Aug 11, 2023 report has already been
reported in, among others, India, Hungary, France, Greece, Argentina, Spain, Taiwan, Germany, etc
July 20-1: Now that Hugo Carvajal has been
extradited and is being detained in the US,
presentment covered by Inner City Press
which UN continues to ban, what are SG
Guterres' comments on Carvajal telling the
Spanish judiciary of payments of drug money
to a number of sitting leaders who plan to
attend the 2023 UNGA week - which Inner City
Press has applied, on June 19 and as
inquired about, to cover? When will that
application be ruled on?
July 17-1: On UN sexual abuse cases recently
data dumped, immediately provide the
if-asked information about the new MONUSCO
cases, Tanzanian and "civilians" with
nationality withheld - why? - and
immediately explain, as to the
Tanzanian UN Peacekeeper in MINUSCA in
2022-3 what Child - Transactional "no sex"
What are
the comments and actions if
any of SG Guterres on the
release of arms trafficking
(and sometime-UN partner)
Viktor Bout, in exchange for
US star Griner? Disclose all
business on the UN with Bout
and his companies.
Again, now will direct quote
from USG Michaud, and more on
appeal now to each of you,
since DSS despite its
statements to PGA's
spokesperson has yet to
confirm receipt of appeal: On
appeal Inner City Press filed
yesterday with USG Gilles
Michaud and each of you, as
UNPGA Csaba Korosi's
spokesperson Paulina Kubiak
said UN DSS Sergeant told her
is the process, (1) confirm
receipt, (2) explain why USG
Michaud previously wrote that
DSS' only role was to ensure
that journalists whose
accreditation was stripped by
DGC did not enter -- see the
message in Dec 7 questions,
from Gilles Michaud
and see UN Media Accreditation
& Liaison Unit Guidelines
for ‘Non- Resident
Correspondents’ which states,
at para 2a: “Non-Resident
Correspondents can access UNHQ
through the Visitors’ Entrance
at 46th Street and 1st Avenue
between 0800-1900 hours from
Monday through Friday.
Non-resident Correspondents
only have access to UNHQ on
weekends or after hours
accompanied by a resident
correspondent or when a
meeting is advised as taking
place. Entry will be allowed
two hours prior to the start
of the meeting. At the
conclusion of the meeting, the
non-Resident correspondent
must exit the premises within
an hour, unless accompanied by
a resident correspondent.”
[Emphasis added.] The repeated
use of the word “or” in the
second sentence here:
“weekends OR after hours
accompanied by a resident
correspondent OR when a
meeting is advised as taking
place” indicates that those
conditions are alternatives,
and in addition to the regular
8am to 7pm access in the
previous sentence.
I had been on UN premises
after 7pm on numerable
occasions since he has been a
‘Non-Resident Correspondent’
in compliance with those
rules, never being challenged
by any of the DSS Security
Officers who have observed him
on each and every occasion he
has done so. He has, in fact,
been almost permanently
escorted by a UN staff member
(clearly oblivious of the
considerable financial expense
to the Organization) since
February 2016. It is clear
that the “risk” he presents is
one of public scrutiny, which
is hardly a legitimate matter
for your department. The
statement taken by officers
Perry and Stancu does not
record the time Mr. Lee
entered the UN premises on 3
July, which he states was
about 9:45am. The statement
does however confirm that Mr.
Lee was on the premises for
the purposes reporting on a
Fifth Committee Budget
meeting. That meeting is
understood to have run on
until 4am the following
morning, so it was clearly
still going on at the time he
was evicted. Mr. Lee’s
statement also reflects his
familiarity with the
Guidelines indicating that he
was required to leave the
premises within an hour of
that meeting concluding. The
Media Accreditation &
Liaison Unit guidelines -
having been published by the
UN and respected by Mr. Lee
and other members of the press
– must create a reasonable
expectation that members of
the press will not face
harassment provided their
activities remain complaint
with them. The evidence
suggests that Mr. Lee was
doing that. Moreover, as is
known to the MALU and as has
been observed by your
officers, he enjoyed that
right peaceably and without
criticism for 18 months.
ST/AI/309 provides that “all
persons on the premises are
expected to comply with the
directions that may be issued
by the security officers in
the performance of their
functions” and that is not in
dispute; but Mr. Lee was never
given an opportunity to
comply. Mr. Lee can be heard
on the video repeatedly saying
he was just typing, reporting
on what he had been told by
the Chairman of the meeting
when he had his shirt torn by
your officers. Your officers
would certainly have been
acting quite legally if Mr.
Lee represented any kind of
threat to the security of
others or to the fabric of the
building, but there is no
credible information or
independent assessment to
support such a hypothesis.
When interviewed, Mr. Lee
insists that he tried to
emphasise to Officer Perry
that he was physically
assaulted by your Security
Officers before being afforded
a reasonable opportunity to
explain or refer to the MALU
rules that apply to him, but
Officer Perry declined to
record that information.
Moreover, Lt. Dobbins actions
on 3 July cannot be considered
without reference to the
earlier incident of 22 June
and Mr. Lee’s subsequent
reporting of that event, which
raises reasonable grounds to
believe that Lt. Dobbins may
not have been performing his
duties or exercising his
discretion in good faith.
There does not appear to be
any reason to believe that Mr.
Lee had breached any rule or
posed any threat when he was
As asked each of
you on December 5, 2022:
AGAIN, on UN's lack of press
freedom and due process -
immediately explain both the
basis for UN Security at 801
1st Ave on the morning of Dec
2 tell me I am "banned" from
entering the UN despite
confirmed invitation to UN PGA
Town Hall, and (2) the
"appeals" process that DSS
told PGA Spokesperson about
to, conveyed to
me. Audio - 2:20
min version Full
7 minutes
What is the
response of SG Guterres' / USG
Fleming to the letter sent to
her and others by the Quinn
Emanuel law firm regarding
ending Press censorship?
See "answer" August 9, here:
letter received, no change in
status - no reply.
After repeated
non-answers to the above, on
August 9 UN Spokesperson
Dujarric was asked "Quinn
Emanuel wrote a letter to the
UN asking about reinstatement
of our colleague Matthew Lee
into the UN press corps. Do
you have any comment on
Spokesman: No. All I can
tell you is that we've
received the letter, and I'm
not aware of any change to his
status... It's been received.
Whether or not it's been
answered, I don't know yet."
How can the UN, which preached
press freedom, not even answer
a letter for a journalist from
a major law firm? What is your
answer? When will Inner City
Press be restored to resident
correspondent status, like
various state media?
Explain how it is
legitimate for SG Guterres'
DGC / USG Fleming and MALU
(cc-ed here) to block Inner
City Press from even WebEx
questions to UNSC President
Ireland, whose Alternate
Political Coordinator and
Spokesperson Eoghan McSwiney
wrote to Inner City Press, "We
would refer your request for
access to the UN and to UN
press conferences to the Media
Accreditation and Liaison Unit
of the UN Secretariat." You
are engaged in censorship,
What is
the UN's
response to
Inner City
Press' Sept 13
application to
MALU incluing
for WebEx
access to
hybrid press
during UNGA
76, as it has
at the IMF?
Beyond last
projecting a
decision in
one or day
Date: Wed, Sep
15, 2021 at
8:02 PM
Subject: Your
Request has
This is to
confirm the
United Nations
and Liaison
(M.A.L.U.) at
New York
has received
your request
processing, a
email (to the
email address
with the
provide the
status update,
to confirm an
approval or
rejection, and
any additional
which may be
IMF answering
Inner City
Press on Nov
4, 2021 on
Zambia and
Chad here
Please immediately explain the basis,
and the compliance with due process, of MALU's
Jan 10, 2022 denial: "From: malu [at] un [dot] org
Date: Mon, Jan 10, 2022 at 3:10 PM Subject:
U.N. eAccreditation request for Matthew Lee
Ref# M58355547 has been declined To: Inner City Press
Greetings Matthew Lee from Inner City
Press, Your media accreditation request,
with reference no: M58355547, has been
declined for the following reason: [BLANK]
With kind regards, Media Accreditation
and Liaison Unit (MALU)"
Immediately respond to this January 13
statement by the Committee to Protect
Journalists when asked, in camera, about
your UN's ongoing ban on Inner City Press:
"While the UN can reasonably assert that
violating known guidelines could result in
the loss of credentials, it was not as
transparent as it could have been throughout
its investigation. We would encourage the UN
to implement a more transparent
investigation process for incidents
involving accredited press, both resident or
non-resident. Any formal process adopted by
the UN for reviewing credentials should
provide an opportunity where the journalist
is able to respond to any allegations made
against them."
Immediately provide SG Guterres' and
separately USG Fleming's explanation and
action on this UN email: " "Language
elements: Some specific examples of
language to use/not use at the
moment: “conflict” or “military
offensive” and NOT “war” or “invasion”
when referring to the situation in
Ukraine." Immediately specify, after
USG Melissa Fleming tweeted "That email
only went to about 25 staff" who the staff
were - or, why not.
On UN system corruption and abuse, what
are the comments and actions if any of SG
Guterres on Inner City Press' June 6, 2022
exclusive: former French Police
Commissaire Nicolas Hergot spends his time
tracking down leaks within the agency.
Inner City Press is here exclusively
publishing leaked evidence of his
unacceptable behavior by the basic
standards of UN officials. Inner City
Press has obtained the following document
On UN access, beyond his/your outrageous
ongoing ban on Inner City Press, what are
the comments and actions if any of SG
Guterres on the routinized and unexplained
blocking of applicant groups on May 19 in
the UN NGO Committee on such grounds as
position on Taiwan or on BRICS, and
apparently disproved charges?
What is the
status at UNOPS and in the UN
system of Vilaly
On deadline, on the UNTSO public
sex video Inner City Press first
published and each of you
dissembled about, now state the UN
employment and payment status of
each accused staffer [here]
why did SG Guterres omit from his personal
financial disclosure covering 2016 funds he
received from Gulbenkian Foundation which
sought to sell its oil company to convicted
UN briber CEFC China Energy?

And, on ongoing
censorship of Press by SG
Guterres, USG Fleming and Spox
Dujarric, to this petition
with 9000+ signatures here
On Inner City
Press' exclusive reporting
into UNTSO's scandal of public
sex in the UN van, what are
the comments and actions if
any of SG Guterres on this,
from whistleblower: "the men
in the UNTSO car have been
charged with transporting a
passenger who was not
authorized and also for not
co-operating with the
investigation." Inner
City Press asked, "Thanks -
I'd heard they were restored
to full pay." Answer:
"Still suspended, but have
been getting salary for a
year. Now they have been
accused of conduct
Confirm or deny - and explain
the long cover up, for/of
Michael Antoine.
On UNDT opacity,
on which you have refused to
answer, explain why on August
26, a supposedly "public" case
was held - but the access link
was dead, not only to Inner
City Press but to the public
at large: "UNDT/NBI/2020/022
(Mancinelli) The Applicant
contests the Administration’s
finding of misconduct and
imposition of a disciplinary
sanction against her."
UNDT purported to order me to destroy evidence
of sexual harassment by UN staff Padula, AGAIN
what are the responses of SG Guterres and his
consigliere Soares, UN General Counsel now
that the appeal has been acknowledged and said
to be on ePortal with case number? "Weicheng
Lin 9:39 AM Dear Mr. Lee, I
acknowledge receipt of your
filing. Case: UNAT/2020/1502 Dear
Respondents, We received an Appeal of
UNDT Orders 178 (NY/2020) and 179 (NY/2020)
filed by Mr. Lee on 21 December 2020.
Mr. Lee who is not a staff member nor a party
to the case of the Applicant filed an appeal
against these orders with the Appeals
Tribunal. The Registrar accepted the
submissions and instructed that they be
transmitted to the parties in the UNDT
proceedings, and the Secretary-General for
comments within 30 days."
How is it acceptable that each of your takes
public money and refuses to answer or even
acknowledge Press questions, including about
UN staff's sexual abuse?
On SG son Pedro
Guimarães e Melo De Oliveira
Guterres, explain how the
business of Explorer
Investments has been reviewed
for conflicts of interest.
Explain immediately how Pedro
Guterres doing business with
Rwanda while Antonio Guterres
was UNSG was and is not a
conflict, and what was
disclosed and to whom.
Immediately explain, given the Amir Dossal
was on board of Epstein's procurer Ghislaine
Maxwell's Terramar Project and Inner City
Press has repeatedly asked you each about in
writing, how Spokesman Dujarric's Oct 30 on
camera statement is not aware of any other
UN connection to Epstein, beyond IPI, was
and is not a lie and cover up.
Again, why did Guterres not list
Gulbenkian, linked to CEFC China Energy, in
his disclosure covering 2016? What are
Guterres' comments on IPI and Epstein, why
would he not say why he left the board? Why
has he not quit Club of Madrid? Why was Amir
Dossal on Board of Terramar of Ghislaine
Immediate comments on the leaked
audio of OSSC Chediek Inner City Press
published Aug 5 on SoundCloud here
(1 of 6)
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