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In Corrupt Guterres UN World 6th ITU Complaint Published by Banned Inner City Press

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

UN GATE, Jan 139 – How corrupt is the UN-world system under Antonio Guterres, who bans the Press which investigates? This example is again from ITU, International Telecommunication Union, whose whistleblowers have, like others, reached out to banned Inner City Press:

Dear Matthew Russell Lee,  In case you may publish more on ITU, as the SG will be in Davos this coming week on the charm offensive.  On the 27th of January, she will have an Ambassador's Briefing at ITU in Geneva, to further her requests for money (an increase of contributory units) as ITU is broke. 

 At recent All Staff Townhall on 16 September, the ITU Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan-Martin (DBM) was all-smiles, emphasizing she was just like staff as she chose to sit on a chair “on the same level” as everyone else.  This, after her holiday email to staff revealed her luxury lifestyle, at her Alpine ski chalet in the bougie town of Megeve, enjoying “amazing powder skiing” paid for by tax-payers. 

   Her forced  laughter belied what is uncomfortable and was unspoken: ITU is on the verge of being broke, due to mismanagement of public funds, and DBM herself has many harassment and abuse cases, substantiated and founded, that are systematically being closed down by her cronies, including the Chair of Council and Chair of IMAC, supposedly independent bodies, with the use of their favored “investigative” consultants.  One is Canvass and “Dr. Harjit”, who allegedly fraudulently obtained a “PhD” from a degree mill for 650 euros.     There has so far been NO independent investigation into the cover-ups of her cases by her key cronies:        

Mr. Frederic Sauvage: The ITU Council Chair, a French career diplomat, with no legal or investigative background, who has been responsible for handling the many complaints against DBM. 

Mr. Honore Ndoko:  As Chair of the IMAC, purportedly an independent advisory committee, he has been DBM’s “fixer”, as a result of which serious concerns brought to IMAC are not brought to the attention of Council, and irregular procurements for investigative consultants are “regularized” by him to close DBM cases

       Mr. Stephen Bereaux: Formerly a delegate from the Bahamas who unsuccessfully ran for BDT Director elected official position.  Brought in by DBM for high-level D2 posts, including “Chief Administration and Finance” despite none or insufficient finance or human resources experience. 

      Mr. Antoine Dore: The Head of Legal, and DBM’s “special advisor” prior to being appointed as the Head of Legal despite not being the most qualified candidate following a competitive recruitment process.  Holds no current practicing legal certificate. 

   An independent investigation into the cover-ups of her cases is required urgently….

More coming.

After repeated refusal to respond by spokespeople including Stephane Dujarric and Melissa Fleming, here was the first complaint on Inner City Press' DocumentCloud here.


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