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After Inner City Press Scoop On Guterres Cover Up and Swanson Audio Feb 6 Ben Out of UN

By Matthew Russell Lee, Audio, Patreon

UN GATE, Jan 31 – Three weeks after Inner City Press published leaked audio of UN investigator Ben Swanson recounting being ordered by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres  NOT to investigate sexual harassment committed by a UN Assistant SG, now more Swanson audio has emerged (see here for description and below), and now put online by Inner City Press on SoundCloud, here, with related letter here.

Now on January 31, 2025 Inner City Press report that Swanson is out at the UN, as of February 6.

Swanson said:

"this whole thing of retaliation has got the potential to cause us massive, massive problems if we get it wrong.”  As he describes the system, he says the U.N. used to open an investigation in response to a complaint, “and it was taking a long time because some of them are horribly complicated and some of them are just so trivial that they’re just not worth investigating entirely.”  He says the office trialed a process of getting the complaint from the U.N. ethics office, at which point it would write to the person accused of retaliating against a whistleblower or someone who reported misconduct, and ask them to “tell us why you’re not guilty.”   ”We’d get the stuff … in from the ethics office, we then write to the subject and, I’m paraphrasing here, saying, ‘Look, the ethics office have said that prima facie that you have retaliated therefore you are guilty of retaliation against Staff Member A, here’s all the material, here’s the ST/AI, write back to us in 10 days and tell us why you haven’t … why you’re not guilty of retaliation,'” he says, to chuckles from others in attendance...  He says they are effectively doing the ethics office's job and the office had “swallowed it up and accepted it. We’ve done two now, and I think we’ve got another two in the pipeline, and it’s working quite nicely, that brings the figures down [and] that gets the Americans off the U.N.’s back, [it] means they don’t reduce their contribution.”

   Inner City Press, which Guterres has banned from the UN as it asks about these and his abuses,  received from outraged UN whistleblowers video of sexual exploitation, they said, in a white UN-marked vehicle, here.  Now Instagram, Facebook.

 Inner City Press will continue to demand re-accreditation.


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