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UN Corruption Detailed to UNOPS Board in Letter Leaked to Banned Inner City Press

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

UN GATE, Jan 23 How corrupt is today's UN under Antonio Guterres? Well, even those few UN officials bounced for corruption are simply re-hired, and no one answers why.

Inner City Press today publishes this, from UNOPS whistleblowers:

Dear Matthew Russell Lee and Inner City Press Editorial Team, 

We are a group of employees at the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS). In the absence of secure reporting channels within the organisation, we feel compelled to anonymously expose the widespread corruption, mismanagement, and misconduct that are undermining its integrity and stability.

 In your capacity as a key media outlet, and given the crucial role Inner City Press has previously played in exposing corruption within the UN, we trust that you will contribute to holding UNOPS accountable ahead of the UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS Executive Board session.  Please find attached a copy of the letter in PDF format.

[Intro here] Letter to the President, Secretary, and Members of the Executive Board of UNOPS to Report Corruption and Systematic Abuse at the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS):

The S3i Scandal is Not Over  22 January 2025  Dear President, Secretary, and Distinguished Members of the Executive Board,  We are a group of employees at the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS). In the absence of secure reporting channels within the organisation, we feel compelled to anonymously expose the widespread corruption, mismanagement, and misconduct that are undermining its integrity and stability.  The scandal surrounding the S3i initiative in 2022, which revealed the diversion of funds, is merely the tip of the iceberg in a much broader pattern of irregularities that persist to this day.

 These unethical practices have triggered significant financial and moral crises, the most recent of which is the last minute announcement of personnel layoffs in 2025. The executive leadership, led by Executive Director Jorge Moreira da Silva, is attempting to downplay the severity of these layoffs by framing them as a one-off adjustment, while concealing their true scale.

During the most recent global townhall, staff members accused UNOPS leadership of lacking transparency in their communication regarding restructurings.  We urgently appeal to the Board ahead of the upcoming First Regular Session 2025 (27–31 January) to seek your support in holding UNOPS accountable

Full letter on Inner City Press' DocumentCloud here

   No explanation, from Guterres, Courtenay Rattray, nor Melissa Fleming, neither of whom have answered letters from pro bono law firms about applying free press principles (including Article 19) to the UN, and readmitting Inner City Press. We'll have more on this.


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