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As Delgado Sues Trump Over West Wing Job Withheld Miller Discovery Disputes Continue

By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell Book
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SDNY COURTHOUSE, Jan 30 – Arlene "A.J." Delgado sued the Trump campaign after she did not receive the West Wing job she said she was promised (but Jason Miller got).  

      On August 16, 2022 U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Magistrate Judge Katharine H. Parker held an in-person proceeding. Inner City Press went and covered it.  

Neither Delgado nor of course Trump were there. There were just the two lawyers. The Trump lawyer made a point of saying that order(s) of protection were taken out against Delgado in Florida in 2010 and 2011.

Even if it were true, Judge Parker asked, how is it relevant? Would that have barred Delgado from a job in the West Wing? 

 No, Trump's lawyer conceded. It seemed the goal may have mostly been to smear, not uncommon in such litigation.

  Talk turned to Tweets, specifically six Delgado tweets that both sides said had previously been arbitrated.

After Judge Parker set a schedule (fact discovery runs into 2023, in this lawsuit filed in 2019), a quick review of Delgado's current tweets start with a pinned tweet about Jason Miller hiring prostituted (in fairness, pinned in 2019) and one from an hour before the proceeding, that Trump "overestimates his support. Aside from that crackpot who attacked the FBI office w a nailgun, no one is doing anything more for him than tweeting and Reddit posts."

Jump cut to January 30, 2024: Delgado is now pro se and moving to depose Reince Priebus and Eric Trump. Inner City Press live tweeted, thread

now covering civil case of Arlene Delgado v. Trump for President: "in 2016 Delgado learned that she became pregnant by her supervisor, Jason Miller." Discussion is of when depositions can be taken.

Judge: The scheduled deposition of Priebus was canceled without notice. The plaintiff is entitled to get some core discovery that was always contemplated. The Feb 14 date has to stick, unless you get court approval.

 Judge: Let's talk about the 30(b)(6) deposition. When is there a date when counsel for defendants is available? Delgado: This month is a little tight. Even during my son's spring break I could move things around. Judge: You can't take a deposition until March?

Delgado: I am available between February 21 and 29. Judge: OK, it will occur between those dates. If any new topics, serve them one week from today on Mr. Blumetti. By February 12, I'd like a status letter with what date has been set.

 Judge: Ms. Delgado, you can also depose Eric Trump. That must occur in March. What are you seeking, Mr. Blumetti? Blumetti: We want her testimony in a family court proceeding, on the topic of her relationship with Mr. Miller? Judge: But this is about pregnancy

 Judge: How is any testimony about Ms. Delgado's relationship with Jason Miller relevant to this matter about pregnancy discrimination?

Blumetti: Her family court testimony is inconsistent with her deposition in this matter. Judge: Why is that relevant to the campaign being sued for having a problem with Ms. Delgado's pregnancy?

Blumetti: She is making a gender discrimination claim. Delgado: Mr. Miller is not a named defendant in this case. It is focused on pregnancy discrimination

Judge: Ms. Delgado were you deposed about your efforts to find another job? Delgado: Yes. Judge: So Mr. Blumetti, you think this is relevant as to mitigation, if she spoke about it in the family court? Blumetti: Yes, it is referenced in a public decision

Judge: If you have a public decision, why do you need the testimony? Delgado: When I was asked to produce the applications of the jobs I applied to - I told the judge it's not the 1990s anymore, you don't fax applications. The judge didn't find it credible

Delgado: The judge said he didn't find what I said credible, that I didn't have records of applications. Judge: I do find some relevance, under the broad definition of relevance in Rule 26 - but sole portions relevant to mitigation should be turned over

 Judge: Everything else can be blacked out, if it's on the same page.  Delgado: If I have the transcript, I'll turn it over. And certainly the PDF I created of the dozens of jobs to which I applied.

 Blumetti: She testified in his action that she or her then attorney has the transcript Delgado: There have been many hearings. Blumetti: What about the text messages with Mr. Miller - unless Ms. Delgado is not pursuing that claim in this case.

Delgado: Mr. Blumetti said he would provide a copy of my deposition Blumetti: We'll provide it, I told Mr. Odle before he withdrew. Delgado: They've listed Kellyanne Conway as a witness, I think her deposition could be done in an hour

Blumetti: The campaign as I understand it, it is moving forward for 2024, but not the same individuals. The right witness, might have to subpoena them. Judge: You're required to produce someone or educate someone, under Rule 30(b)(6). You'll have to figure it out

Judge: That's going to be the campaign's problem. A non party can be designated. Blumetti: I'm just previewing that. Delgado: Please be sure to email me. Judge: Are you signed up for electronic notices? Delgado: I think so...

 Judge: Thank you, we're adjourned.

  Inner City Press will continue to follow the case.

It is Delgado v. Donald J. Trump For President, Inc. et al., 19-cv-11764 (Torres / Parker) 


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